Country of Origin: Czechoslovakia.
Similar Aircraft: Galeb/Jastreb, Hawk.
Crew: Two.
Role: Trainer, light-attack.
Armament: Pod-mounted gun pack, bombs, rockets.
Dimensions: Length: 39 ft, 8 in (12.1 m). Span: 31 ft (9.4 m).
Wings: Low-mounted, equally tapered with wing tip tanks.
Engine(s): One turbofan inside body. Air intakes are semicircular and high-mounted on the fuselage aft of the cockpit. Small, single exhaust.
Fuselage: Tube-shaped, tapering to the front and rear. Pointed nose and bubble canopy.
Tail: Swept-back and tapered fin with a blunt tip. Flats are high-mounted on the fuselage, equally tapered with blunt tips.
Algeria, Czech Republic, Egypt, Libya, Lithuania, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Romania, Slovakia.