Country of Origin: France.
Similar Aircraft: M.B. 326, M.B. 337.
Crew: Two.
Role: Light-attack, trainer.
Armament: Missiles, bombs, rockets, machine guns.
Dimensions: Length: 33 ft (10.06 m). Span: 37 ft, 5 in (11.4 m).
Wings: Mid-mounted and back-tapered. Fuel tanks are usually at the square tips.
Engine(s): Two turbojets mounted on sides of fuselage. Semicircular air intakes mounted in the wing roots. Small exhausts located just forward of the tail section.
Fuselage: Slender, tubular, and tapered to rear. Rounded nose and long, bubble canopy.
Tail: V-shaped tail fins that also serve as tail flats, back-tapered with blunt tips.
Belgium, Cameroon, Gabon, Libya, Morocco, Senegal, Togo.