Country of Origin: USA.
Similar Aircraft: Skymaster 335 Model.
Crew: Two.
Role: Observation, liaison, forward air control, psychological warfare.
Armament: Miniguns, rockets.
Dimensions: Length: 29 ft, 9 in (9.6 m). Span: 38 ft, 3 in (11.64 m).
Wings: High-mounted with straight leading edges and forward-tapered trailing edges from midwing to blunt tips.
Engine(s): Two piston engines, one on the nose and one on the rear of the body.
Fuselage: Stubby, box-like with propellers at each end. Stepped, glassed-in cockpit. Rear of body upswept to tail booms.
Tail: Rectangular tail flat at end of twin tail booms. Swept-back tail fins with blunt tips at tips of tail flat. Fins extend above and below tail flat.
Central African Republic, Chad, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Jamaica, Mauritania,
Nicaragua, Niger, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Togo, USA, Venezuela.