61K, 640x460, JPEG
The lifeboat

66K, 640x340, JPEG
Deep salvage ship docks with

65K, 594x433, JPEG
Wreck of alien ship on planet LV-426 (Acheron)

52K, 640x340, JPEG
The U.S. Colonial Marine ship
USS Sulaco approaches LV-426

68K, 640x340, JPEG

50K, 640x340,JPEG

69K, 640x340,JPEG

49K, 640x340,JPEG

44K, 640x340, JPEG
Marine dropship enters atmosphere of LV-426

39K, 640x340, JPEG

49K, 570x421,JPEG

65K, 582x427,JPEG

88K, 586x428, JPEG
APC (armored personnel carrier) under construction

58K, 640x340, JPEG

53K, 640x340, JPEG
APC backing into dropship

67K, 586x428,JPEG

63K, 640x340, JPEG
UA 571-C Remote Sentry Weapon System control screen.
All sentry gun shots were cut from the theatrical release.

49K, 640x340, JPEG
Hudson and Vasquez (red bandanna to the right) test the guns

74K, 586x428, JPEG
Sentry gun (bottom) protects corridor

47K, 640x340, JPEG
Sentry guns in action

46K, 483x420, JPEG
Front view of Marine helmet

51K, 575x402, JPEG
Side view

41K, 463x401, JPEG
Shoulder-light worn by Marines

26K, 530x218, JPEG
Marine welder

23K, 359x343, JPEG
Marine motion tracker (top view)

50K, 640x340, JPEG
Motion tracker in use

38K, 575x279, JPEG
M-41A 10mm pulse-rifle with 30mm grenade launcher

34K, 580x270, JPEG

30K, 588x262, JPEG
Smart-gun. Top/side view: hand-grip to the left, barrel to the right

52K, 546x345, JPEG
Smart-gun. Top view: hand-grip to the right, barrel to the left

35K, 582x226, JPEG
Smart-gun. Side view: hand-grip to the left, barrel to the right

59K, 591x401, JPEG
Smart-gun. Top view: hand-grip to the right, barrel to the left

49K, 557x396, JPEG
Smart-gun sight system

46K, 640x340, JPEG
Vasquez (foreground) and Drake (background) kill some bugs

48K, 640x340, JPEG

36K, 509x414, JPEG
Marine flame thrower