Gary's "UFO" Page
Gary's Science Fiction Page

UFO Animation

179K, 640x480, JPEG
SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation) Moonbase
Why are they wearing purple wigs?
175K, 640x480, JPEG
Moonbase personnel (Dolores Mantez, Gabrielle Drake)
85K, 640x480, JPEG
SID (Space Intruder Detector) in Earth orbit
53K, 640x480, JPEG
Liquid-breathing alien (Gito Santana)
Control Mobile
76K, 640x480, JPEG
SHADO Control Mobile
88K, 640x480, JPEG
SHADO Mobile
Mobile 1
89K, 640x480, JPEG
Mobile 1
Mobile 3 hit
89K, 640x480, JPEG
Mobile 3 takes a hit
61K, 640x480, JPEG
Skydiver prowls the ocean floor
Sky 1 launches
81K, 640x480, JPEG
Sky 1 launches into the air
Sky 1
100K, 640x480, JPEG
Sky 1
Sky 1 cockpit
100K, 640x480, JPEG
Pilot's view of UFO from Sky 1
Interceptors underground
61K, 640x480, JPEG
SHADO Moonbase Interceptors underground
81K, 640x480, JPEG
SHADO torpedo-armed Interceptors
Interceptors launch
81K, 640x480, JPEG
Interceptors launch
Interceptors return to base
100K, 640x480, JPEG
Interceptors after firing torpedoes
61K, 640x480, JPEG
A spinning UFO approaches Earth
Smoking UFO
81K, 640x480, JPEG
A smoking UFO crashes
UFO in clouds
81K, 640x480, JPEG
UFO in Earth's atmosphere
UFO fires
100K, 640x480, JPEG
Grounded UFO fires on Mobile 3