Gary's "Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles" Page

46K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Carrier interior. Fighters preparing for launch.

44K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Carriers entering atmosphere

45K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Fighters launched from carrier's bay

40K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Carriers launching fighters
Drop Ship

63K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Roughnecks board drop ship

65K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Doc and Higgins

62K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Drop ship preparing to launch

58K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Drop ship in launch position

63K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Interior of drop ship just after launch

56K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Interior of Barcalow's fighter

44K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Fighter about to launch

38K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Barcalow and Carmen fire air-to-air missiles at Hoppers

37K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Air-to-air missiles

42K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Carmen's fighter

59K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Carmen and Barcalow

38K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Fighter wing

37K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Barcalow hovers to retrieve Carmen
Retrieval Ship

55K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Retrieval ship makes landing approach

50K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Retrieval ship takes off