Gary's "Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles" Page
Blaster Bugs

58K, 640x471
#113 - Of Flesh and Steel
Toffid Blaster Bug (
coleoptera felguris) fires

64K, 640x471
#113 - Of Flesh And Steel
Rico watches as Chas scans Blaster Bug

60K, 640x471
#113 - Of Flesh and Steel
Blaster Bug is about to be blasted
Hopper Bugs

46K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Hopper crash-lands

42K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Hopper attacks Carmen's fighter

55K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Hoppers swarm around laser beam

50K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Dead Hopper
Plasma Bugs

58K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Plasma Bugs fire at drop ships
Tanker Bugs

55K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Tanker Bug

58K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Tanker Bug fires

51K, 640x473
#104 - Basic Training
Tanker Bug
Warrior Bugs

53K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Warriors under fire

59K, 640x474
#101 - Freefall
Warrior Bugs

65K, 640x471
#113 - Of Flesh and Steel
Toffid Warrior Bugs

74K, 640x471
#113 - Of Flesh and Steel
Skinny takes aim at Carl

53K, 640x471
#113 - Of Flesh and Steel
Skinny fires constrictor gun

59K, 640x471
#113 - Of Flesh and Steel
Carl hit by constrictor blast

46K, 640x471
#113 - Of Flesh and Steel
Skinny has an unexpected visitor